Democratic Party demand for Re-redistricting. How quaint!

Gerrymandered NC  In a recent public forum, Bob Phillips of the left-wing group Common Cause spoke fervently of the dire need for North Carolina to revisit the legislative redistricting that the Republican led State Legislature enacted following the 2010 Census.  He spoke as if political influences had never before affected this process here in the Tarheel State. 

  While Mr. Phillips was sounding off with his sour grapes, what many Carolinians were hearing was that it was OK for the Democratic Party to have gerrymandered districts for over a hundred years in order to achieve and maintain complete legislative control in NC, but that the new Republican Party majority should not dare to address those historic inequities.  Neither Mr. Phillips and Common Cause, nor the Democratic Party can truthfully assert that they don’t like being treated they way they treated others.  But then, leftist really don’t like the ‘Golden Rule’ anyway, it being Christian and all. 

  The left would also have to admit that complete Democratic Party control of the NC Legislature brought ‘Jim Crow’ Laws to the state, and left the state with the public education mire that currently exists, and the levels of corruption in many of the recent Democratic Governors, Speakers of the State House and Senate.  Hmm, Mr. Phillips maybe you have made the strongest argument yet in support of the current legislative districts.  The NC Democratic Party could not be trusted to have control of the state government.  Now though, the Republican Party must prove that they can do a better job. It really won’t take too much effort to improve upon the past 100+ years.

About Charles Carroll

I am a wealthy planter, originally from Maryland, and an early advocate of independence from Great Britain. I served as a delegate to the Continental Congress and later as United States Senator for Maryland. I was the only Catholic and last surviving signatory of the Declaration of Independence.
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2 Responses to Democratic Party demand for Re-redistricting. How quaint!

  1. Norman Thomas says:

    Bob Phillips and Common Cause have lobbied for independent redistricting plans for years and years, regardless of which party controlled the process.

    If “Carolinians are hearing that it was OK for the Democratic Party to have gerrymandered districts for over a hundred years in order to achieve and maintain complete legislative control in NC, but that the new Republican Party majority should not dare to address those historic inequities,” then they are either woefully misinformed or willfully ignorant to facts. Republicans in North Carolina fought for an independent redistricting panel for years, just the same as groups like Common Cause. One of those groups changed after the 2010 election, and it wasn’t the liberal one.

    What a joke this post is.

    • Goose says:

      Big deal 4 historically democrat congressional districts were picked up by the GOP. but note that two were lost before redistricting took place. One democrat chickened out and didn’t even try for reelection, and there was “Who are you” Bob here in the 2nd that managed to lose because of the video.
      Those lovely gerrymanders pictured were forced on the Democrats by the Feds; they are called Minority-Majority districts and are meant to allow minorities to get some representation in Congress so they were packed with minorities. Didn’t always work the old 2nd was one but now contains a plurality of whites.

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